Join in the discussion on these UK Christian Forums

Our list of online Christian community discussion boards is here to help you find a place for discussion, encouragement, fellowship and exploring the whole of the Christian faith in more detail.

Christian forums are still very popular despite the rise of social media. Christian discussion and chat forums provide a slightly different platform and way of interacting than social media, although some social media sites include forums as part of a much bigger information sharing site. Christian discussion and fellowship forums can provide a way to engage and chat with other like-minded people where you are unable to do it in person.

We have split the forum links in to two categories – UK Christian forums and international Christian forums.

UK focussed Christian forum discussion and chat sites

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International Christian forum discussion and chat sites

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Submit your UK Christian Link for this section

Please only submit links to sites you own or for which you are an administrator.
If you have a UK link that should be added to this list, please submit the details here for consideration. Please note that not all links submitted are guaranteed to be added to the list.

Also, please let us know if a link is no longer working. Thanks.